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The Power of Forgiveness – Path to Healing

Updated: Apr 24

You have the power to forgive your self and others and create a more satisfying life.

There can be many feelings associated with overcoming adversities and creating a better life for yourself, such as fear, regret, guilt, unforgiveness, and more. Often times, many entrepreneurs fail because they have many unresolved issues from the past. I know this because I lived for many years in fear, anxiety, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness due to the many traumas, betrayals and losses incurred over the years. More difficult was learning to forgive myself. Whether these feelings are passed on from generation to generation or from previous bad experiences, it is imperative to be aware of your mindset. You have the power to stop the constant reminders of the past and look toward the future and learn to forgive others and yourself. Changing your mindset can help you to create new ways of thinking that support the life you dream about. Only when we free ourselves of past mistakes and make peace with where we are right now, will we truly embrace our future and live the most abundant and amazing life we could ever dream about. Forgiveness is not a death sentence, it is a liberation from mental torment.

Here are 4 techniques that can help you to practice forgiveness

  1. We tend to base our future on our past. Our minds are wired to remember negative situations and our brain stores those memories to help us be ready for the next perceived negative situation. Letting go of the past can be difficult and can hold us back. It can feel like a car with all four tires stuck in the mud. When we try to forgive, it often feels like we are trying to release ourselves from things we have been stuck in for years. But there is freedom in releasing the person we used to be to embrace the person who we are becoming. We’re releasing who we were at that time. If we have trouble forgiving self, or have built our present life based on who we were in the past, it becomes hard to forgive because our past has become central to our identity. Remember that we’re all doing the best we can each day. Learn the lessons from understanding your past but make room for the future.

  2. Our brain stores up all the negativity from our childhood and carries it over into adulthood. It downloads the past like a computer, and it will register what we’ve done “wrong”. If we try to forgive ourselves for our mistakes and failures without releasing the underlying feelings, then we will have trouble fully forgiving ourselves. Trying to forgive those who hurt us is hard. No matter how hard we try, many of us are hardwired to continue to beat ourselves up because our brain that stored all those negative situations is forced to stay in the past and we tend to keep feeling those same feelings over and over. Learn to identify the guilt, the pain, the regret, the fear, the anger and release it. This will make forgiving self and others easier and more manageable.

  3. Our mind is wired to hold on to the negativity in life because we are wired to live in fight or flight mode. In other words, we are always living in survival mode. To forgive ourselves, we first must admit that we made the mistake. We must realize that everyone makes mistakes, and we must own the fact that we have hurt people, we have hurt ourselves and we even changed the course of our future. We must take ownership and acknowledge the mistakes. Remember, failures, mistakes, and poor choices are a large part of life. Learn to appreciate the pain, the failures and the mistakes. It is how we learn and grow. It is how we make way for a better life. It’s how we move forward.

  4. We cannot quit a relationship with ourselves. We can’t ignore, avoid or walk away from ourselves. Be intentional about finding self-love and self-acceptance. Self-appreciation is critical.

Making mistakes and being hurt is part of life, love, business. It’s going to happen.

I hope the tips I shared will help you lean into your future. rather than stay stuck in your past. Because the truth is, the most dangerous place you can live is in the past. Make up your mind that past hurts and regrets will not overpower you. Make an intentional decision to reach out for help if you struggle with your past. Your best is yet to come. You are far more powerful than you know.


Theresa is the one to help you to use your passion and Profit with Purpose.

She helps entrepreneurs and business owners by motivating clients and audiences by seeking truth and speaking truth. She celebrates all your wins and works with you through your losses.

She is an Author, a writer for BRAINZ Magazine and is a consultant for many Non-Profit organizations, a motivational speaker and an emotional wellness strategist.

As a certified John C Maxwel Leadership Trainer, she brings an added value !

Building a successful business, she built a career on elevating others and teaching others how to live an impactful life .

Author of The GRID System: Create More of What's Good in Your Life!

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